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Exclusive Interview With Yeye Kudi COURT-room,C.E.O K_Moni Signatures

An Exclusive and Intensive Interview with Yeye kudi Aya Alowonle. A business woman, beautiful mother of four, intelligent, vibrant, brilliant, Purpose driven ,an achiever, a successful lawyer and a submissive wife.

Question: Could you please introduce yourself?

Res: My name is kudirat Adeshina, a business woman, and also a graduate, my first degree was philosophy,2nd degree is in law LLB,presently doing my masters program in International Justice as I speak, a motivational speaker and IAM the CEO of K_Moni Signatures, married and blessed with four kids.

Question: Your Educational background with dates?

Res: I went to Mate Nursery and  Primary school, Lagos State 70s to 80s.went to federal government girl’s college, Gboko Benue State from 1984-1990. Also went to Federal poly Ado Ekiti where I studied Business Administration. And proceeded to  Edo State University Ekpoma(EDSU) for my BA in philosophy in 1993-1998. 1 also had my 2nd degree in Maynooth University, Ireland where i studied Law (LLB).2016-2020. And presently having my masters in International Justice.

Question: How are you able to combine a lot of things  together ,your studies ,your business,your show without affecting your husband most especially your family. You know how men does at times.

Res: Foremost, I will always say one thing alot of people tend to ask me that question ,I do not know where the Strength is from I always say to God be the glory . When you have the Strength to do stuffs it's not that I have the whole strength but I remain focused. I will say yes people think I have the strength but it is God that's giving me the strength. I give God the glory. I will say it is a passion,IAM a goal getter, I strive,IAM ambitious,I don't compete, iam focus,I'm purpose driven,I have a mission and I always believe Iam for a reason and purpose on Earth. That has been my motivation.
I aspire to be the best in anything I do. Combining education with business,I also came abroad and got involved in many things. I was a special needs assistant in a school where we take care of children with autism. Where am I coming from? When you marry somebody that loves you for you and very supportive in everything you do, anything your spouse sees you that you wanna do and gives you full support that goes a long way for you. There has never been a time that my husband has ever looked against my passion. Sometimes IAM in the library till about 2:am and he supports it. My main key word is marry who loves you for you and always supportive in your ambition in life. Even my children are the kinda kids that want the best for me as their Mom,I even hold them as my parents because everytime I strive to do something I don't wanna be a failure because of my children, I make sure IAM a good role model to my children and they've been very  supportive . My first child is 22, whilst I was in the University she was also there,we were both competing academically and graduated same year. My husband too has been so wonderful and supportive. In area of my business I sell everything that beautifies a woman,I put too much in that business which is taking a lot of strength and energy from me but to God be the glory,I have my children and husband that keeps me going. Everything has its time ,I do the needful at the appropriate time.

Question: what gave birth to Yeye Kudi court Room show on Facebook?

Res: Ohh.  Thanks not to boast, probably you didn't know me a long time ago, when Facebook started it was introduced to me by my younger brother ,he actually made me joined facebook,though he came to visit me in Ireland then.

Apparently,the live show thing came up when people do live shows ,I talked to my self that I've been through a lot in life,IAM a kind of person that likes to talk about my mistakes in d past and my trials and tribulations and where it has brought me thus far. I think that was what gave birth to me talking. I used to be so big you know what we call fat(smile). A size 20 ,I needed to do some exercise to burn those fat so when IAM walking,i was lonely,at times i listen to Gospel music, something just said when they start this live show start talking. I was just led to start talking,I was actually talking about my past and what friends did to me.
My experience in life gave birth to my live show.  I was probably one of the pioneers of talking on Facebook,along the line we realised what we were doing is a motivational talk,that's when we started calling ourselves motivational speakers. Then gradually at that time I've not started studying law so when I finished ,it was a four years course. I then changed my Yeye Kudi live to Yeye Kudi Court Room.

It became a court room just this year, Where we normally talk about our life experiences, then I started applying what I read in law to the cases that are brought to me and  from where I do my internship I ask questions from solicitors, barristers and I bring it on board. I advise and tell them the way to go about it. Then I know what should not be done to people that can legally incriminate me or bring upon me civil cases,i do not do it. So when I graduated,i now turned my page from Yeye Kudi Live Show to Yeye Kudi court Room. It's my life , my past and trials,what I've been through and my achievement that gave birth to the Yeye Kudi court room which was formally known as Real talk with Yeye Kudi live. Thank you.
Question: Have you ever been criticized?

Res: There was even a time I was been abused and insulted,I talked about different ethnicity  in Nigeria on how they are being viewed or looked upon. So alot of criticism then and some still come there to criticize even till date. As time goes on I developed a thick skin,so nothing gets to me again over the years I became stronger regarding the fact that there's nothing you can do to satisfy human being, you will always be criticized.

As a diva I believe it takes two things to grow, the sun and the rain. When the rain falls on you it makes you grow. Yeye Kudi has been criticized, attacked and be encouraged a lot of time so there's good and bad about it and even in life there's always a good and bad side of it-you have to think about it whether to continue or not. Do you wanna continue? Yes. Do everyone loves you? Of course not,not everyone would love,so you have to move on you just remain focused and be ambitious strive hard to get to to your destination. They will get jealous of your success and Criticism is inevitable,if you are good they will criticize,if you are bad they will definitely talk. Why not move ahead with your ambition and turn deaf ears to criticism.

Question: what do you say to people that really wanna be like Yeye Kudi?

Res: Thank God. Like I always say to people that Charity begins at home if you wanna be a role model,you have to lead as one.  It doesn't mean you are flawless is just good to show that you have been able to go through a lot in life and still keep your head up. Look at yourself in the mirror and confess positivity in your life. No one can stop you, God can only bless the work of your hand. Stay focused,be ambitious,be purpose driven,stay good,serve God ,love people,work hard and be charitable.Take care of your parents if they are still alive. Above all,be ready to face all the challenges of life,
Rome wasn't built in a day, healthy competition is good unhealthy competition is bad.

Nothing comes easy in life. Life is not stable,be rest assured that they will criticize you.Cut your coat according to your size ,do not always say I want the best in life. No one has it all,be humble, stay kind, take care of your parents. With all these things I mentioned if you can carry them along in life you will surely leave a good legacy behind even when you are gone.

You can follow Yeye Kudi Court Room on Facebook here👉

Or K_Moni Signatures


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