“I’ve done more for Black Americans than anybody with the possible of exception of Abraham Lincoln,” president Trump said. “Nobody has even been close.”
Many presidents — including the nation’s first, George Washington — owned slaves. At a White House briefing later Wednesday, Trump responded to a question about Biden’s comments by pointing to his administration’s efforts passing criminal justice reform legislation and expanding opportunity zones, as well as the low unemployment numbers for minority groups before the coronavirus outbreaks Share This Item On Facebook Share This Item Via WhatsApp Shar Joe Biden said Wednesday that President Donald Trump was the country’s “first” racist president. The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee’s comments came during a virtual town hall organized by the Service Employees International Union. When a questioner complained of racism surrounding the coronavirus outbreak and mentioned the president referring to it as the “China virus,” Biden responded by blasting Trump and “his spread of racism.” “The way he deals with people based on the colour of their skin, their national o...